Каталог электронных курсов для большого университета
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
Описание курса
Направления подготовки:
Предметная область:
Науки о земле
Уровень подготовки:
Дисциплина, в поддержку которой разработан ЭК:
Профессиональный английский
Liubov Vorobyeva, Konstantin Maksyutin
Год разработки:
Содержание курса (Учебный план):
Chapter 1: Introduction: Petroleum in Our Life
Chapter 2: Petroleum Geology
Chapter 3: Exploration Geophysics. Well Logging. Well Testing
Chapter 4: Reservoir Engineering
Chapter 5: Drilling
Chapter 6: Production Technology
Chapter 7: Enhanced Recovery Techniques
О курсе:
In this course, you will learn such concepts as oil and gas production, reservoir energy and forces, petroleum deposit drainage, development systems, well operation techniques and much more. Each participant in the course will develop an understanding of field life cycle and interdisciplinary approach to petroleum field development and operation.
Throughout the course, we will address the following topical areas:
• History of oil and gas application, international petroleum reserves.
• Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology: rock cycle; oil, gas and water deposits; oil and gas composition; oil generation; prospecting for oil and gas fields.
• Major exploration techniques, seismic methods, well testing; basics of reservoir engineering and modelling.
• Basics of well drilling and production.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Analyse and apply theoretical knowledge in the area of petroleum geology, reservoir engineering and production technology.
• Describe major exploration and production techniques and processes.
• Distinguish between major enhanced oil and gas recovery techniques.
• Understand application areas of petrochemical products
• Analyse global situation in the petroleum industry and its influence of people’s daily lives.